Saturday, 31 March 2012

How was our garden shed born - Jak se zrodil nas zahradni domek

Just a few pictures from how the garden shed was being built as it took a lot of effort and Chris could call the garden a gym after lifting all the paving slabs. Yesterday, Friday 30th March, two fellows brought and built our shed and Chris is now adding a few other features so it can be secured and fixed as well as possible. Then we just need a few shelves and everything that was living inside for last few weeks will soon have a new home. We also had our new lawn mower delived so Chris managed to cut the grass all around the house.The mower is a proper beastie and will also live in the shed! :-) So therefore a few pictures to document this venture:-) and now in Czech....

Par obrazku toho jak se rodil nas zahradni domek,bylo to celkem hodne namahy a Chris by mohl rict,ze se mu zahrada stala posilovnou,protoze se celkem nadrel pri zvedani tech dlazebnich kostek - jedna vazi 20kg!! Vcera, 30.brezna, konecne dva typkove privezli a postavili nas domek. Chris ted jeste dodelava par veci,aby byl domek bezpecne upevnen a zajisten a proste aby nam za jednoho vetrneho dne neuletel! Pak jeste bude potrebovat uvnitr par polic a vsechno co poslednich par tydenu muselo zit s nami v dome,bude mit novy domov, takze zahradni nabytek nebude v kuchyni na zemi, kola na spodnim zachode a tak podobne! Vcera nam take privezli sekacku kterou jsme ve ctvrtek objednali,takze Chris nelenil a posekal travu kolem celeho domu. Sice bylo trochu umeni sehnat benzin, protoze po tom co mistni vlada ve stredu vyhlasila plany poplach, ze benzinky budou stavkovat, tak vsichni sili a taknkuji jak o zivot a plni vsechny nadoby co doma najdou!! Jinak nase sekacka je poradna masina,aby vsechnu travu co tu mame zvladla poseka a bude take bydlet v zahradnim domku. Takze je zde par obrazku jak se toto udalo a jak vidite, mame zase krasnou sobotu a slunicko,ale je zima a v pondeli ma prset...ale je to potreba,tak asi budeme mit velikonoce o desti :-)
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