Thursday, 7 February 2013

Nas Vikend v Parizi - Our long vikend in Paris

Kdyz jsme se s Chrisem poprve poznali,tak mi rekl,ze me jednou vezme do Parize...pak jsme se ale nejak rozcestovali a na onu Pariz se trochu zapomnelo. Letos k Vanocum byl mym darkem prave vylet do Parize,takze tim se nam tak ty Vanoce krasne prodlouzili az do studeneho unora,ktery je trochu ponury a chladny,a tak jsme se meli zase na co tesit.

Dnes rano jsme se na tenhle vylet vydali, a ne jen tak ledajaky,ale stylove vlakem, prvne rychlikem z Berwicku do Londyna Kings Cross,ktery cestu 600km zvladl za 3h a 30minut!! Zde jsme si jen tak zbezne take prohledli zname nadrazi cislo 9 a 3/4 z Harryho Pottera, ale trochu zklamani,ze z toho je placena turisticka atrakce I kdyz se jedna o misto,kolem ktereho se vlastne jen tak prochazi....tak se asi musi na necem vydelat,kdyz jsou lidi blazni a chteji to!! Pak jsme se presunuli jen o par metru dale na druhe nadrazi London St. Pancras odkud odjizdi vsechny Eurostar vlaky do Parize a Bruselu. Nas vlak vyjel z nastupiste cislo 7 presne v 15:31 a cesta to byla opravdu prijemna, krasna a pohodlna sedadla a velmi prijemna obsluha,ktera nam podala chutne obcerstveni. Cestu zhruba dalsich 650km jsme zvladli vlakem za 2h a 16minut vcetne tunelu,takze pak clovek ma pocit,ze na zadnem ostrove vlatne nebydli...protoze spojeni s kontinentem je vlastne tak strasne jednoduche. I kdyz jsme cestovali skoro cely den, od 9:30 rano zhruba do 19:00 (nez jsme dorazili do hotelu) tak cela cesta byla hodne pohodova,bez stresu z letist a clovek ma pocit,ze vlastne nekam docestoval.

Nas hotel se jmenuje Comedies a je celkem v centru. Z nadrazi Gare de Nord je to jen 3 zastavky metrem,takze jsme cestu zvladli behem asi 10minut. Brzy budeme objevovat Pariz a pridame nejake zajimave fotky a zazitky :-) Takze Parizi, tady nas mas, tak se tesime, koukej nas ohromit a prekvapit!! :-)

When we first met with Chris he told me one day he will take me to Paris. I have never been, so I got very excited as it all sounded very romantic and I wanted to be taken there for some time. However, then we started to travel all over the places and kind of forgot about the Paris idea a little bit. Until this Christmas, when I got a very lovely surprised trip to Paris for a long weekend. This forthcoming trip also gave us feeling that Christmas is being prolong into February which is usually a bit grey, cold and doom, so there was something very nice to look forward to.

This morning we set off for this trip, and not just some trip, but trip in style, when we boarded the East Coast fast train in Berwick Upon Tweed travelling to London Kings Cross in the first class. We even had a time to check out the platform 9&3/4 from Harry Potter!! A bit of disappointment is that they are making money out of it as the only way you can get a picture is an official paid for photo!! Well, we took a sneaky photo from a distance anyway! (Coming on maybe later) Then we just had a short walk to next door London St. Pancras station where we boarder 15:31 train to Paris. After 2hrs and 16mins, enjoying very nice seats and service, we arrived at Gare de Nord, the main train station in Paris for Eurostar trains!! It was a really great feeling. Getting cartel of 10tickets and finding our way via metro 4, only 3 stops later, we got to our hotel Comedies, very nice, friendly and stylish hotel, in the middle of everything. Just for the record, it took from Berwick to Kings Cross - 360miles - about 3hrs and 30mins, St. Pancras to Paris Gare de Nord - 400 miles - 2hrs and 16mins...what a journey we have made today :-)

We can't wait to explore soon and if we have any picture and stories we try to share them on the blog. Just about time to hit the streets and get some french dinner!! So Paris, here we come! Try you best, amaze us and surprise us, we can't really wait :-)

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